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Amazon's Prime Day Sale may be Delayed until October

release time:2020-07-03 | article source:

On July 3, according to the emails that Amazon sellers received and people familiar with the matter, Amazon's annual Prime Day membership promotion will be delayed to October due to concerns about a surge in Covid-19 cases could have an impact on the supply chain.
Prime Day usually takes place in July, but is expected to be delayed this year because of the epidemic. In May, the Wall Street Journal reported that Amazon planned to hold the promotion in September.
Last month, Amazon organized a fashion campaign to help sellers affected by the outbreak to sell out their inventory and prepare for Prime Day. But Prime Day could be further delayed as new cases soar across the country and Amazon logistics is challenged again.
A former Amazon executive argues that despite the uncertainty, Prime Day won't be delayed beyond October because the company doesn't want its biggest sales to coincide with the holiday shopping season.