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What is sensitive items?

release time:2022-08-17 | article source:

Any imitation brand, liquid, powder, paste, food, medicine, tobacco, wigs , animal fur, flammable and explosive, adult supplies , solar panels , photovoltaic products , mechanical watches , glasses , under the age of 6 toy s , electronic cigarettes , cosmetic s , printing, thermometer, clinical thermometer, blood pres sure, safety hammer, trolley s , steel nails , laser, pencil, folded metal tables and chair s ,baby products , mobile phones , wood product s , knives , candles , books , antiques , currency and weapons , the United States anti-dumping products . And products requiring various certifications ( such as Bluetooth, HDMI, FDA, FCC, Lacey Ac t, DOT, etc .)


Advantage: No sensitive products can ensure all shipments safety.